
2008年10月30日 星期四

Whisper to Lace-Blue Rose


In Victorian times, blue roses traditionally signify mystery or attaining the impossibility.

They are believed to be able to grant the owner youth or grant wishes.  Now, no

matter what is about the language of flowers, actually, “Blue Rose” is a kind of rare

flower, she is always able to attract the most eyes from people, so who is the blue

rose in your mind? And do you want to be as the blue rose? ……………..






Whisper to Lace-Elizabeth Cross

It is the first lace choker I made.  This cross make me to remember the Queen

Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth I is being celebrated as the ruler of a golden age,

an image that retains its hold on the English people. Elizabeth's reign is known as

the Elizabethan era, famous above all for the flourishing of English drama, led by

playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe.  However,

she is always criticized for her personal religion: Protestant vs. Catholic.  The

cross is originally existed in every different communion with same feature, but

communions make the different story to split it…………


Whisper to Lace-Irish Crochet Lace

A couple of months ago, I addicted to study the Irish crochet lace and was attracted deeply by its exquisite patterns.  Irish lace gained an international reputation for the fineness of the needlework and the intricacy of the designs used and lace making flourished in many places.  Its type of lace is characterized by separately crocheted motifs which were later assembled into a mesh background, after such arrangement, Irish lace works will present the embossed aspect.  One day, I thought why did I not try to use those beautiful lace patterns to make some necklaces or chokers?  So, I try this idea to come true………………