You walked through the shadow of the champa tree
to the little court where you say your prayers,
You would notice the scent of the flower,
But not know that it came from me.......
~~Rabindranath Tagore~~
You walked through the shadow of the champa tree
to the little court where you say your prayers,
You would notice the scent of the flower,
But not know that it came from me.......
~~Rabindranath Tagore~~
This book (written by Avery Gilbert) let me know many things regarding
sense of smelling, which is a fantastic journey I have never been. It reminds
me to pay more attention on the odors. Have you smelled the scent of rain?
I do. It is hard to describe, something like a mixture of humidity, dust, and
grass, it always shows up in the meantime of rain oncoming. The scent owns
the power to evoke memories to change our moods and influence our behavior,
such as, I feel relaxed and delighted upon the coffee aroma spreading in the air;
the scene of summer night in childhood suddenly flash upon smelling the scent
of tuberose; smelling the firecracker burned always triggers the happy memories
about Chinese New Year.
Loving the scent of flower, flowers talk to world in scent instead of language,
she always whispers in silent, to spread her voice by wind. However, the
scent of flower is easy to dissipate, so people make the perfume to try to
keep it for more time. A little bit perfume put on body is great, but a lot of
perfume will be a disaster. In addition to the scent of flower, I love the
aroma of food----fry garlic, stew meatball in red wine sauce, roast fish
with rosemary, mature passionfruit……..How wonderful they are!
I think that will be less fun if people cannot smell anymore.
Grape Vine crawls on the gray grounds,
Sucking…… breathing………waiting……..
To grow up…….to fruit………
Only to praise for the great Dionysus.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops-at all
~~Emily Dickinson
Reading Frances Mayes’ book over and over again, the view of Tuscany was
screened vividly in front of eyes with the tempo of book. In Tuscany, Frances
see a green sweep of the Apennines, as the wooded slopes angle toward the
valley, olive orchards begin, and mellow stone farmhouses with tile roofs anchor
each farm to the land. Looking out—looking into Italy! North, south, east, west
is the allure of the whole country.
Its inpiration was came from 2008 fashion show of Valentino (please see the photo as following), it was a white evening dress.
Its inspiration was came from 2008 winter fasion show of Prada (please see the
photo as following). They included lady's hat, shoulder bag, and fitted lace dress.
This is the first doll dress I made for Blythe, its idea was came from Jacqueline's
style. They included ladys' hat with gauze, shawl, blouse, skirt, and hand bag.