Last night, I finished the reading of “The Time Traveler’s Wife”, was touched by the ending of this book: Henry know the exactly time of his death through time traveling, he does not want to accept such truth and would not like to separate from Clare, however, he cannot do anything to change the truth, the only thing he can do is “waiting for the death coming and say good-bye to Clare. Henry worriesClare to be overwhelmed by his death, so left a letter to ask for Clare not to wait for him and try to release herself to welcome the new world without Henry. Henry really does love Clare…………..
In this fiction, Henry is a CDP (Chrono-Displaced Person), he will go time travel upon under the great pressure, sometime, he will go back to the past, sometime, he will go to the future. He will disappear under his unwilling as long as feeling hard to take the pressure, of course, such time traveling full a lot of dangerous, may be hurt or killed due to unable to control the destined time or space. Clare is Henry’s wife, she is always waiting for her husband and has never known where he is and how long he will be back during the period of Henry’s disapparation. The first meet Henry was happening in the age of 6 for Clare, after that time, Henry go to see Clare very often until Clare being 18 years old. The author, Audrey Niffenegger, used a writing way full imagination to describe the love beyond time and place, it is very creative and shake people mind deeply.
It is hard to comment Henry is lucky or unlucky, Henry hate to time travel due to it is a kind of unstable status and will expose him to the danger circumstance, but he has more opportunity than the others to see those person he missing, such as his pass away mother and the future Clare and his daughter. Reading this book will let me remember to Marquez’ works, his works full “Magic Realism”, the people in his novel have the capability to jump over time and space, all life is the passenger of universal, nothing to get and nothing to lose, only true love can full up the vacancy of spirit and tragedy of life.