
2008年4月29日 星期二



8:00 pm of 4/25/2008, at Huwei Fort of Tamsu, the theater “山海經”

was performed in cool spring night, its script is modified from " The Classic

of Mountains and Seas" which is the immemorial Chinese fable.  Loving to

go to the theater performed by Golden Bough Theatre, their play always

can provide us extremely different feel, this is our third time to watch their


The content of theater “山海經” included several sections as follows:


【后羿】帝俊賜羿彤弓素矰  以扶下國  羿是始去恤下地之百艱


【刑天】刑天與帝爭神  帝斷其首  乃以乳為目  以臍為口  操干戚以舞


【女娃】有鳥焉  其狀如鳥  文首  白喙  赤足  是炎帝少女  名曰女娃


【人間】羿誅鑿齒於疇華之野  殺九嬰於凶水之上  繳大風於青邱之澤  下殺獬貐  斷修蛇於洞庭


【戰封豨】馮珧利決  封豨是射  何獻蒸肉之膏  而后帝不若


【化鳥】女娃游於東海  溺而不返


【夸父】夸父與日逐走  入日  未至  道渴而死  棄其杖 化為鄧林


【射日】羿焉蹕日  烏焉解羽


As for my comments regarding this theater:  Firstly, it adopts Taiwan's Hoklo

language to present the beauty of Chinese classic literature, every wording is

so elegant and precise to return the original ancient language, which is

impressive of me.  Furthermore, the power of drama is exploded by the

local rituals, distinctive music and body gesture.  Same as the “Troy,

Troy……Taiwan”, “山海經” is a kind of environmental theater, the

mysterious and treacherous atmosphere was spread with the blew wind,

trees shadows and dark sky, audiences are surrounded by such air

completely, their mood is forced to undulate with the environment, this kind

of scene is hard to display indoors.  Wonderingly, Golden Bough team

interprets the Chinese ancient literature in an unique and admirable way, the

snatches of performance vibrate in my mind all the time even though the play

has been finished………


In one word, 山海經 performed by Golden Bough team which is a very

good play and worth to be recommended to people.


Click the following address for more theater photos:











All family were eating the dinner……

Son of No. 1:「Mom, I made a dream last night, I dreamed a lot of “蛋炒飯” fell from sky and I was buried by them, it is so wonderful………..

Mother:「Not bad!!!   Well.........You can enjoy it for every day………

Son of No. 2:「Mom, I want to have a same dream as brother’s, but the rain should be “粽子” instead of ‘蛋炒飯”.

Mother:「Um………粽子雨……It is good, too….. but , it may be hurt………...………

2008年4月28日 星期一


材料1. 南瓜 1/2 個 
2. 大蒜粒 5 粒 
3. 鬱金香粉 1小匙家樂福
4. 肉桂粉 1小匙家樂福
3. 鹽 少許 
4. 橄欖油 
5. 黑胡椒 
6. 鮮奶 200 cc 
作法1. 南瓜去皮切大塊。 
2. 蒜粒去皮。 
3. 將上述處理好的南瓜及蒜粒放入湯鍋中加少許水及橄欖油煮至軟爛,水量剛好可蓋滿食材即可。 
4. 取出軟爛之南瓜塊及蒜粒,放入食物調理機或果汁機中打勻,再倒回湯鍋中加熱,並灑入鬱金香粉及肉桂粉,用鹽及黑胡椒調味。湯滾後轉小火,加入鮮奶攪拌至煮沸即可。水量及鮮奶量須稍加控制以免湯汁過稠或過稀。 




材料1. 紫苣 1/2 個惠康
2. 甜椒 2 棵惠康
3. 鹽之花海鹽家樂福
4. 橄欖油(Extra Virgin) 
5. 黑胡椒 
作法1. 甜椒洗淨放入烤盤以預熱上下火200度 C烤20分鐘至表皮略呈焦黑,取出,置於有蓋的耐熱容器中悶軟,待涼後,撕去表皮,切大塊。 
2. 紫苣撥開葉子浸水洗淨後(勿將葉片一片片摘下),以梗為中心切成4大塊,放入烤盤以預熱上下火210度C烤17分鐘至菜香飄出。取出待涼,切除中心的梗後,將菜葉片片分離,再切成大塊。 
3. 將上述處理好的甜椒及紫苣放入大沙拉碗中,灑上鹽之花海鹽、特級橄欖油、現磨黑胡椒粉,拌勻即可。 
this dish is perfectly matched with Moscato d'Asti sparkling wine






4/25/2008, 毬蘭,茉莉花 and 梔子花 blossomed!! Be crazy about the room fulled of flower scent, loving it appears indistinctly and invades in silence.  



2008年4月23日 星期三

拖鞋 與 蟑螂


Son of No. 1:「Mom, we will play an imitational drama and I will be the protagonist.
Mother:「Great!!!    Finally, your teacher find your talent ……
Mother:「What role will you act as?
Mother:「Slippers???  You will act as Slippers????
Mother:「What is the name about this drama?
Son:「”Slippers & Cockroach”
Mother ……….

2008年4月22日 星期二

Michael Sowa

                             【Pig in Soup


                          【Autobahn Pig



Fowl with Pearls


Laptop Sheep


Mann, Fisch, Tisch


Die Letzten Stunden in Pompeji



 Zugschweine Sammeln Sich


Michael Sowa was born in Berlin in 1945. He studied at the Academy of

Fine Art in Berlin and has worked in many capacities and published several

story books, Esterhazy being one of his best.  Sowa's art evokes wonder

and amazement, a mix of surrealism and comic illustration, of humor and

seriousness.  His work is whimsical, especially with the animal depictions. 

He mirrors life with odd people, and "normal" animals occupied in human

activities. I especially love the "laptop sheep" and the "pig in the soup",

sometimes, in order to refresh mood, people need to stir their brain by

odd idea.





To celebrate the middle examination finished, mother and son go to Blockbuster to rent the films.
Son of  No.1:「Mom, I want to rent “長江7”.
Son angrily ask:「Why?
Mother:「Because it is a new film now, the price is 100 dollars per film, but, after couples of months, it will be treated as “old film” and price will be down to 60 dollars, so, for cost saving purpose, we should not rent it now.
Son irritatingly yell:「You are so penny-pinching…………..
Mother:「Um…….Am I???   Well, since how generous you are!!!... so, please donate your saving to rent “長江7” for us.
Son:「Absolutely No!
Mother :「………….」



Son of No.2:「Mom, what would ass like to see?
Mother:「Ass? See?  Ass cannot see.
Son:「If ass could not see, why does it has eyes?
Mother:「Ass has “eyes”?  How come?
Son:「Yes, it is true......., yesterday, Dad taught me “You have to clean the “屁眼” when you take a bath.”
Mother ………….

2008年4月16日 星期三






























































In this poem, the protagonist is the female ghost, and its inspiration comes from

聊齋誌異 『連鎖』.  Love this poem for its atmosphere, poet sketches the

female ghost through the setting, such as 倒吹著的淒風、惹草復沾幃的流螢、


在荒煙蔓草間, they reveal the inmost natures of protagonist.  In addition, poet

create the narrator as ghost’s lover, to deliver his endless love via the talking to

連鎖.  Generally speaking, sad love story can strike people mind more than the

happy ending one, perhaps, regret always cause people to remember continuously.



2008年4月14日 星期一

Bella Primavera






In order to welcome spring coming, thus, go to buy some flowers, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven…….I buy total 7 pots of flowers.  There are 大波斯菊、金魚草、矮牽牛花、瑪格麗特、吊鐘花、……..etc. (see the photos)  Love to see bloom for their beautiful look, they always present the fragrance silently.  Gardening can help people to release the pressure, every time doing gardening , I will be calm down and feel peaceful.  Since it is not easy to have a garden of outdoors, so I arrange a little garden in house (see the photos).  Live together with plant which is a very very delighted thing……………



2008年4月11日 星期五

Sweet November


SWEET NOVEMBER, this is my third time to watch this movie, it was

same as former times to touch my heart.  The plot describes an unique

woman, Sara, to try to change the life of a man, Nelson, forever within

one month.  It is impressive of me about Sara’s free manner, smart brain,

sweet mind, crazy behavior……in one word, she is an attractive and

conformtable woman.  Except for Sara’s disease, such woman really

bring a sweet month for Nelson and chang his life a lot.  It is a warm film,

the most people in this movie are kind and nice, so I feel pleasant and

relaxed upon watching it.  The ending, it is a sad point, Sara asks Nelson

to leave because of that she want him to have only happy and strong

memories of her, in addtion, she cannot bear to have Nelson experience

her decline in health and eventual death.  This is so call Sara’s love way,

she really love Nelson very much…………As for Nelson, admiring his

bravery, he does not quit love to Sara even though she may die in the near

future, yes, “ ‘Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have lost at all.”


Do not remember from when I love to watch the romance film, perhaps,

from the time I believe true love is existed.  Recently, there are some bad

news about friends’ marriage, some of them choose to divorce, some

of them have serious quarrel with their spouse.  Remembering to the past,

I also experienced such painful marriage life, and have been frustrated

of it.  However, I and husband have past through those tests safely, now,

we cherish eatch other more than before.  We believe marriage cannot be

kept, but true love.  True love will make you be lenient, considerated,

willing to offer, to put aside id, to completely accept the original nature of eatch other.


To quote "The Prophet" :

Love one another, but make not a bond of love;

Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.

Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.

Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,

Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.

For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.

And stand together yet not too near together:

For the pillars of the temple stand apart,

And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.


To quote "Corinthians 13" :

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no

record of wrongs. 

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 

Love never fails.




2008年4月3日 星期四

Ladder of Years


“Ladder of Years”, this is my first time to read Anne Tyler’s novel, she has

awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1988. Delia Grinstead, a forty-year-old woman

leaves her marriage and family for a very different life, originally, she was the

perfect mother and wife until her kids reached young adulthood, her husband

started to seem like an old man, and she realized that she had become nearly

invisible. So she chooses to leave. She simply walks away and ends up in a

small town where she creates a quiet new life for herself and discovers just

exactly who she is.  In the Delaware community of Bay Borough, beginning,

Delia tries to keep distance from people there, she does not want to create

any closed relationship with local people due to the unknown future.  However,

she has confronts her inner self and begins to deal with the defect of personality,

gradually, she becomes part of her new community, and has the courage to

take a job caring for Noah Miller, an appealing 12-year-old whose mother

has also run away from home and family. Over one year, Delia discards her

timorous personality and obtain independence and respect unfolds which she

quests for.  


When reading this novel, especially for the plot regarding Delia’s children and

husband how to ignore her talk and feeling, it let me associate with Kafka’s

“Die Verwandlung”, people is always easy to ignore the family who contributes

a lot in quietness, they take his/her contribution for granted, further to not care

about his/her needs and feelings. Ironically, people will abruptly find his/her

existence until lost him/her.  In the beginning period of staying at Bay Borough,

Delia is always keep distance from people to escape too many social activities. 

Consent to her thought, too many social activities will interfere mind peaceful

and occupy the time to read books and get together with family.  I love to be

alone, maybe feel lonely but feel more free, do not need to waste the energy to

socialize with people.  The beauty of stay alone is that thought can rush as wild

horse, no limitation to play in the time and space.  Kant has said: “I am solitary,

I am free, I am the king of myself.”  Delia loves to read, so she must be like to

stay alone, this is reason why she can go to a place where is completely unfamiliar

to her and try to begin a new life there. Stay alone can help people to clarify the

question and dissolve the chaotic mind, consequently, run away from the

current circumstance temporarily that may not be a bad idea……………