8:00 pm of 4/25/2008, at Huwei Fort of Tamsu, the theater “山海經”
was performed in cool spring night, its script is modified from " The Classic
of Mountains and Seas" which is the immemorial Chinese fable. Loving to
go to the theater performed by Golden Bough Theatre, their play always
can provide us extremely different feel, this is our third time to watch their
The content of theater “山海經” included several sections as follows:
【后羿】帝俊賜羿彤弓素矰 以扶下國 羿是始去恤下地之百艱
【刑天】刑天與帝爭神 帝斷其首 乃以乳為目 以臍為口 操干戚以舞
【女娃】有鳥焉 其狀如鳥 文首 白喙 赤足 是炎帝少女 名曰女娃
【人間】羿誅鑿齒於疇華之野 殺九嬰於凶水之上 繳大風於青邱之澤 下殺獬貐 斷修蛇於洞庭
【戰封豨】馮珧利決 封豨是射 何獻蒸肉之膏 而后帝不若
【化鳥】女娃游於東海 溺而不返
【夸父】夸父與日逐走 入日 未至 道渴而死 棄其杖 化為鄧林
【射日】羿焉蹕日 烏焉解羽
As for my comments regarding this theater: Firstly, it adopts Taiwan's Hoklo
language to present the beauty of Chinese classic literature, every wording is
so elegant and precise to return the original ancient language, which is
impressive of me. Furthermore, the power of drama is exploded by the
local rituals, distinctive music and body gesture. Same as the “Troy,
Troy……Taiwan”, “山海經” is a kind of environmental theater, the
mysterious and treacherous atmosphere was spread with the blew wind,
trees shadows and dark sky, audiences are surrounded by such air
completely, their mood is forced to undulate with the environment, this kind
of scene is hard to display indoors. Wonderingly, Golden Bough team
interprets the Chinese ancient literature in an unique and admirable way, the
snatches of performance vibrate in my mind all the time even though the play
has been finished………
In one word, 山海經 performed by Golden Bough team which is a very
good play and worth to be recommended to people.
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